FAQ & Help Center



How do you ship & what is the price?

Shipping costs vary depending on your exact location and shipping option. In general, most of our products ship FREE from the USA in 5-8 business days (Please allow 2-3 business days for processing).

Why didn't my shipment come in one package?

We ship orders from various warehouses in the United States. Our stock is spread out over multiple fulfillment centers in order for them to get to you faster. This means orders containing multiple items may be shipped individually. You may receive one item before the next. So don't panic if you don't receive all of your items at once. They are on the way.

What countries do you ship to?

Currently we only ship to the United States. However, we cannot ship to P.O. boxes or military bases.

How do you ship?

We ship orders from our fulfillment warehouses right here in the USA using USPS mostly and occasionally UPS & FedEx. After your order is processed by one of our facilities we will send it to the shipping company and it will be completely handled by them. You will be provided with a tracking number so you can follow along with your order

How long will it take for my order to be delivered?

All of our items are shipped fast & free right here in the USA. Because we fulfill all of our items from the USA you can expect to receive them on average in 5-8 business days. 

How can I track my order?

We will send you tracking information to the email you provided us at checkout. This email will also guide you how to track your package. Please note that the tracking information will be displayed 2-3 days after you receive that email. You can also check your tracking at rocbarn.com/apps/trackorder



How can I pay for my order?

We offer safe shopping and accept payment via PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover, GPay and Apple Pay. All products are listed in US Dollars.

What is the default payment currency

Our products are listed in US Dollars.

Can I pay COD - Cash on delivery?

No. Sorry. We can only accept payment in advance. You can use one of our secure payment methods to pay for your order.


How do I place an order?

First of all, visit our store at: www.rocbarn.com. Choose products that you love, then click "Add to cart" & "Check out". Finally, fill in your information and pay. That's it! 

My product has a problem. What can I do?


What to do in 3 steps:

Step 1

Try to troubleshoot the item by checking the manual we provide in the package. Often we can solve the problem for you without you needing to send anything back. In many cases the product seems to have a problem, but it can be solved by restarting, installing properly, or fixing an accessory.

Step 2

If you still have difficulties with your item, especially for complicated products such as Car DVD Players, GPS or TV Boxes, we will recommend that you get the product installed or inspected by a qualified technician to confirm that it is faulty rather than incorrectly installed.

Step 3

Once you have confirmed the product is faulty after steps 1 and 2, you should contact us at jol@rocbarn.com.

What if the product is broken?

If any product is faulty, you are protected under our refund & returns policy. The policy can be viewed here: https://rocbarn.com/pages/refund-and-returns-policy

What is your refund policy?

Please visit https://rocbarn.com/pages/refund-and-returns-policy for full information on our refund policy.


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